psychedelic motherfucker



It has everything to do with the original timeline up until the birth of Kirk when the Romulan ship came through the time warp.  So if Khan has been floating in space prior to that, he still would be. 

It has everything to do with the original timeline up until the birth of Kirk when the Romulan ship came through the time warp.  So if Khan has been floating in space prior to that, he still would be. 

Or, shake your fists at the people who decided to copy it. 

Or, shake your fists at the people who decided to copy it. 

It has never been "rebooted."

It has never been "rebooted."

Don't always land *for you.*  They land perfectly for me. 

Don't always land *for you.*  They land perfectly for me. 

End Hits is my favorite Fugazi album. 

End Hits is my favorite Fugazi album. 

Holy Hannah!

It is Combustible Edison-esque (Probably "I, Swinger" is what the OP is thinking of?) but Edison was paying homage to lounge covers of the 60s, which is likely what this cover is doing.

Didn't see this as I posted above. Yeah, I'd love to see Tennant as the Riddler. I could definitely imagine it.

I quite liked the idea of David Tennant as The Riddler.

That "wtf lol" shit is like Pontypool; everyone is doing it

Lwaxana was totally scray