psychedelic motherfucker

I've got to say, that picture at the top is perfect though. Hard to believe that image is from fucking Star Trek.

Well I'm happy my typo inspired Battlecar's song. That was lovely.

Hey, thanks guys.

Qwerty Cox! I like it.

Yeah, she doesn't look bad in those Cougar Town ads. I sat through an episode of that show Dirt, which I thought was pretty horrid, but she broke out a vibrator and…well, I'll say it was pretty good for both of us. (Also surprisingly racy for TV, but I guess FX is able to get away with more…I don't personally have

Great Star Trek joke Batman.

Oh fuck me. COURTNEY Cox. Country Cox sounds like…I don't know. Fucked up a bad joke.

I could get behind Country Cox.

RIP Steele
I was strangely moved by Steele's passing. I mean, not really, but about as much as any random celebrity passing could move me. I remember reading about his (surprising to me anyway) conversion to Christianity, and his comment that as he was getting "older," he found the idea of death frightening and

New to the site; I enjoyed this column. Here's a dumb question - is there such a thing as "psychedelic metal"? If so, can anyone recommend an entry point?

Jesus, I forgot all about that old BTTF game. I remember how infuriating it was, and how the hell did they come up with dancing hula hoop girls as adversaries to avoid?!?

*end up NOT hurt. Sorry.

There's also the argument/complaint I've heard that the fact that The A-Team had "family-friendly violence" meant that it was dishonest violence. Dishonest in that no one gets hurt or killed but there are some awful acts of violence etc. Of course, that argument would then have to include Loony Toons, Tom & Jerry,

Dear God I hope not.

Ah, Mongo…between them supposedly moving Jersey Shore to Miami or something (I think I read that a while ago) and this new show - which should find some good redneckery in FL…

I absolutely loved IRMA VEP. That was my introduction to Assayas. Sought out SUMMER HOURS and CLEAN, liked both of those, but for some reason IRMA VEP has remained my favorite, so I guess I'd recommend that one. YMMV, though.

Sounds kind of interesting
This sounds like an interesting show, perhaps. Or at least not an excruciating one. But mostly, this makes me want to watch it:

I picked a good time to move away from Florida.

I've never even heard of this show (I was about a year old when it was on the air). This review and the enthusiasm of you all have sold me on giving it a shot.