Buck the Fuck-Up

Step 1: Approach hot slut's father to seek permission to court said hot slut.
Step 2: Present hot slut with flowers and/or chocolates.
Step 3: Engage in chaperoned visits with hot slut in her family parlour or music room. On third such visit, gently rest your fingertips on the back of hot slut's folded hands.
Step 4: If

That reminds me, we once figured out my friend's porn star name using the "First Pet + Street" formula and it ended up being "Brown Concession". (Brown was a cow, apparently.)

Wow. So it's basically Esquire's way of saying, "What the fuck are you doing watching our pathetic excuse for entertainment and titillation? Get back to jacking it online, dipshit!"

D-, uhm, K-, uhm, Tykes! [blots forehead]

Thanks, I appreciate that. Sadly, though, I teach at a university in Toronto, Canada.

"the correct answer: Dawes" (FTFY)
Well, Dawes chose Lennon, so that settles that.
My two cents: McCartney is the better songwriter (in a pop/classical-melodic sense), Lennon is the better artist-innovator. I'm going with Lennon.

Yes. It's like they are being pushed into the same mould by popular demand. Disney crafted his pre-war cartoons to have "mass appeal" simply because that was what interested him as an artist and entertainer. But that approach becomes almost a trap in itself, since when you try to push into new territory, the

Thanks, man. It should be fun to teach.

We've ALL been "Imagineered," man!

Yes, you're right. And I don't think the corporation is "evil" by the way - that shit is played out. "Oh, look at the difference between the values they show in the films and how they really behave!" Who fuckin' cares? It's a corporation. Learn to distinguish fantasy from reality. I just think that it is an

Totally. Walt never wanted to take the company public, because he was a control freak and all he wanted to do was innovate, he didn't give a shit about profit(his brother Roy took care of that). And he created great works of art, pushing the medium forward in leaps and bounds, past what the public even wanted at the

Yeah, of course. But they basically invented it, which is what I'm interested in exploring. Merchandising scarcely existed before Disney, and they certainly opened up a market for child-centred (and now child- and adult-centered) consumerism in an unprecedented fashion.

I'm getting ready to teach a university course called "The Politics of Disney" (I didn't come up with it, just applied to teach it), and in thinking and researching the topic, I'm coming to realize something kind of scary: Disney have figured out, definitively, that their stock in trade is nothing tangible, it's

You played a lot of golf, then, like a young Tiger Woods?
Or was it more like a grown up Tiger Woods?

Grendal's momma gave so many blow-jobs, she kept the oral tradition alive for 2 more centuries.

But you haven't seen it yet, my boy. You will have paid to see it only after seeing it in the future and then returning from the theatre next yesterTuesday, when the sequel was released, just before the original.

Sorry, I feel that I need to stick up for the guy on Arrow (he's actually my older brother IRL). I think that he really improved a lot, especially when given more to do in the Suicide Squad episode.

Thank you, my dear. You're the best - truly a force for good in this too-cynical world. I really do miss you. But I've got to get back to work.

Aw shucks, you're too kind (as usual). I'm really happy you enjoyed it! I'm quite fond of the saga of Strongu myself, and wanted to share it with you especially. (And with Hat, who always enjoyed Fawn's shenanigans. Has she been heard from lately?)

I can't even tell you how much I love this comment. You've made me genuinely happy that I shared the story of Strongu, which is near and dear to my heart. As for the ending, I think it reaches its logical conclusion, given the fact that Strongu is clearly so much bigger and stronger than every other monster (and