Buck the Fuck-Up

The context had something to do with your Mom, I think.

Scrawler! How are you, my dear? I really hope that all is well.

I want to write a movie where Tom Hardy plays triplets, but two of them have Dwarfism. I would call it Hardy-Har-Har.

Grohl is a patient boy, he waits, he waits, he waits, he waits…
and he finally got a response! (Too bad it's just a TwitPic, but still counts!)

You know what, Aymanut? It's not that hard being a film cricket.

"Now it's true that the American legislative system is ill…slightly ill. But the other two branches of government…they're just fine. They're at the controls, guiding the nation…free to pursue a life of religious fulfillment."

Word is that an unknown actor named Tobias Funke is already lobbying for the "Blue Fairy" role.

He's also allergic to felt Tyrolean hats, and you don't want to see what happens when he sneezes…

I've been not commenting for long, long while to put work into my first book manuscript, and yesterday I got work from Northwestern University Press that they're interested in publishing it and are sending it out for peer review this week!
So, if all goes well, I'll have a contract in hand by the end of the summer, and

That is true. But what IS it really about? Are we living in an age of simulation, like Baudrillard said, where there is no perspective from which actual states of affairs (like a terrorist threat, or a political regime) can be distinguished from virtual ones (like information stored on computer servers, or a movie

Look, I'm not trying to sell "post-Apatow" as a generic or cinema-historical category or anything. They both got their start on an Apatow-produced TV show and have been in lots of his movies, that's all. I like those guys, and my comment wasn't intended to be a value-judgement on their film, which I haven't seen.

He just did it to retroactively prove that his sexual come-ons to an underage girl was also a "prank."

The terrorists finally won…the fight to stop the release of a boilerplate post-Apatow comedy. And as a bonus stopped a Steve Carell vehicle from being made.

True, some bullshit "terrorist group" likely consisting of basement-dwelling nerds can bullshit theatres into being scared to screen some bullshit movie, which then causes a bullshit studio to lose millions of dollars, and another bullshit studio to not make their probably bullshit movie about a bullshit government,

Fuck North Korea III: Kim Jong Un's Uncle's Revenge

What did you think of Arrow's Deadshot?

All of this. Also, they have definitely cast it with too many heavyweights. I can't see Will Smith or Ben Affleck just toeing the line and doing what the films' writers (presuming they're any good) need from them - these guys will want active input as well. So the producers will end up having to spin so many plates

Thanks very much for the well-considered advice. In all honesty, in spite of some temptation on my part, I don't think I could ever actually hook up with a former student. It's just too gross on some level.

That was the big breakthrough Pixar made. The texture, shape and mass of 3D models bore a resemblance to that of plastic and metallic objects like lamps and kids' toys, so they made these the characters in their best early shorts and first feature.

<sarcasm> Who would have thought that a racist could rap that well? </sarcasm>