Buck the Fuck-Up

Hi, Scrawler!

Thanks! I just shared your comment with him, and he is positively swelling with pride. (Then again, kids tend to swell up all the time, and usually for medical reasons, so it may not be pride. I should probably get him checked for mumps…)

Yeah, but he prefers to watch the Gamera films without the MST3K treatment. He got a great kick out of their Gorgo episode, though.

My 5-year-old wrote a script about a kaiju named Strongu the Lizard that I've been shopping around, but no traction yet. Here it is if anyone's interested (he illustrated it and dictated it):

She twirls her hair with a Phillips head screwdriver.

I've always imagined that if I were a Borscht Belt comic my opening line would be "Good evening, gentiles and ladymen."

'Cuz he's a fuck-up.

"From the anals of self-promotion"…

Kanye West's "Diamonds from Sierra Leone" was about rocks. Does that count?

Are you still kicking around East Asia right now, Archmage?

Ahh, memories of Japan.

* And do please note that the bat is NOT your penis. It is an actual cricket bat.

Isn't it?

Picking a favourite is going to be tough… I'm going to have to go with Deliverance, though. Ned Beatty really sells it.

And that bitch Anne Murray too!

So you're saying I never should have shown him Heisei Tanuki Gassen Pon Poko?



"This looks like a job for Bipolar Bear! But I just can't seem to get out of bed today…"

Patton is the man, and I would see any one of his acts. However, I'm INCREDIBLY excited about the prospect of seeing Faith no More live in the next year.