Buck the Fuck-Up

Good work. I just moved into a new (also third-story) apartment/city last weekend and it feels so good to have done with that. Looking forward to my next few years in a city with a crackhead mayor.

Dude, you also copied last week's report, and your email address, into this. Editing is recommended. Also, congratulations on finishing your first college course.

I thought Sir James was still busy working on The Physics of Acoustical Reverberation with Thomas Edison and Johann Sebastian Bach.

So you're the stranger who taught my kid all that puppetry of the penis stuff. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I think I'll have to. My son is getting more hilarious by the day, and I have no one to share the anecdotes with.

Hi, Scrawler! So nice to, uh, interact with you again!


Thanks so much! Best of luck with the show - there are obviously deep veins of comedy and drama in a premise about college student actors (and, I'm sure, a rich vein of wild experiences and anecdotes you can draw upon). It was great getting a chance to chat (and it's my first time using this real-time

What is your television idea, if you don't mind sharing?

Yeah, there definitely aren't enough hours in the day. I'm trying to get the revisions finished on a book manuscript (based on my thesis - I'm a PhD now) and I'm way behind. Can't complain too much, though. But I wish I had more time to come back and comment more often too. I really miss you and all the rest of

Thanks, Franko! Yes, Fawn definitely still farts excessively (I interpret most of them as "thank you" farts). Very happy to see you around as well, and I hope that all is going well.

Amen. And today's my birthday…

Animating a duck?? Such a thing is unthinkable…impossible, I say! Show me a duck that has been animated, and I shall tear out mine own eyes!

Awesome, man. That's amazing. I truly hope that I can say the same some day. *high five accepted, with alacrity; holds out fist with hope of bumping/pounding*

Oh, well I'm flattered, then. Thanks so much!

Hi, Scrawler! What's a Unicorn in the Commies?

I've been drinking a lot too. So what? Wanna make something of it? The episode, I mean. I dunno.

I "shuffled" my four-year-old son (gave him a bowl of ice cream) and this is what he spat out as his current list of "favourite songs":

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus Did she really kill herself, though, or did she just die of old age?
