Buck the Fuck-Up

It's funny, 'cause my 4-year-old regularly leaves me messages calling me an "asshole", and Andrew "Dice" Clay is always calling to let me know that he loves me and misses me.

@avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus I'm just a wild and crazy guy, I guess.

So you're saying that, much like Lance himself, I took one for the team?

Careful ladies, this pic is so hot it may sear your eyeballs:


"Lance Bass, as always, is happily filling in the rear."

If you rearrange the letters in "BOOBIES" you get "BOB IS EO".  I take this to mean that Vince Gilligan is remaking Captain Eo, with Bob Odenkirk as the star!  Oh, happy day! *dances militaristically*

@avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus You could just re-subtitle the Rob Ford Taiwanese animation clips and you'd pretty much have my son and his antics.  Also, he did tell my friend afterward that it was a "thank-you fart" (a concept he still hasn't let go of, apparently).

Seems like as good a place as any for one of my obscenely self-indulgent Ridiculous Things My 4-year-old Said Or Did series of homespun anecdotes:

@avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus Yes. But minus the "with a stick" part.

Just a little tidbit about my son, Hat, since I hardly ever post here anymore:

@avclub-32b63dd70d870580128d83e930199e1c:disqus That's exactly what it reminded me of!

You're @JudgeReinhold:disqus 's wife? Lucky guy…

It is.  My wife contends that the two biggest threats to a child's safety are moles and pythons.

Sounds like a real basket case.

Basically, the guy says he has no idea how the snake escaped from a double-locked enclosure, and then climbed up through the heating ducts and broke through the ceiling of the room the boys were sleeping in.  All they have to go on is that there were two strangled boys found in a room with a python and a hole in the

Not really a "crazy story," but I wanted to share a short transcript of a message my wife emailed me this morning.  She sent a link to a very tragic (and vaguely sketchy) story about two young boys strangled to death by a python when staying over an exotic pet store.  This is the message she attached, and it is 100%

I had to get away from this site in general for a while too, since the relationships formed and revelations made tend to get pretty intense.  The fact that so many people on here are caring, sensitive, smart and open-minded kind of makes you forget this is a public forum that any random jag-off has access to, and can

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus That bony old bag?  Better buy her a hearing aid first…

@Scrawler2:disqus So it's no coincidence that her name is an anagram for "I mean…mean".