Buck the Fuck-Up

I hear it all went down on the Isle of…what's that place called again?  It's near the UK…  Ugh, I'm drawing a blank.  It's definitely not Wight…

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus I'm very, very sorry to hear that you're not taking this horrible (but predictable) outcome very well.  Hang in there.  You're one of the good 'uns.

I'm C'n W!  Four identical shows about young people!

@WelcomeShaqKotter:disqus My wife has strongly implied that I should stick around to help raise our son to the age of twelve, then kindly die.

Breaking news at this hour: a number of commenters on pop culture new & reviews website The A.V. Club have been found dead in what police are calling an apparent suicide pact.  The sole survivor of this horrific event, an individual who has chosen to remain anonymous but posts under the user name "ElDan", describes

I~I~I~I~I~I~I~ am Every Day People.

Friday, Friday,
Gotta contemplate our final descent into death's inescapable void on Friday!

*Wife steps out holding twin brother by the scruff of the neck* "Ancient Chinese secret, huh?"

No you're not, you'll all be stone dead in a moment!

The A.V. Club

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus Even better, they should hire him as a moderator for the comment boards:


Ha ha!  I just realised that if you google "Sean O'Neal", what comes up in the sidebar thingee is a picture of our Sean O'Neal attached to a bio of the Clarissa Explains It All actor.  Even Google is trolling the poor guy…

Wanna Bangkok on it?

If the kid is old, able-bodied and intelligent enough to go and pour you a shot, drink it for God's sake.  You deserve it for a job well done.

You are witnessing the rebirth of How I Met Your Mother!  On double bass, Your Mother…she wrote this.

Who the fuck is Renee Zell-wedger?

I AM SPARTA- *huuuuuarrrrghh; ptou!* CUS!

Judging by all the trolling going on lately, I imagine it's become more of a "No, Hate!" policy.

Did she know how to pony?