Buck the Fuck-Up

@avclub-b0dae075785888267fc19871f3e7dab7:disqus I was looking at a lake the other day, and it reminded me of you.

Define "too many".  #PillPoppingDaddy

I believe "Biggus Disqus" is the proper nomenclature.

*cues "Happy Days are Here Again"*

@avclub-75e43c12ef9f1cfdaeae92ca6fa90640:disqus That's awesome.  Did you know that Dali once pitched a movie for the Marx Brothers called Giraffes on Horseback Salad?  Here's a couple of quotes from the "script":

I know, like, the whole "You can call me Ray, or you can call me J" thing?  *shudders*

From Dusk 'Til Dawn and Aphex Twin's Windowlicker Video Present: Ultimate Butterfaces

Pictured: The last thing Rae-Dawn Chong will ever see.

*waits excitedly for The Hero of Akron-Canton's reaction to this comment*

Winter's Incontinence

Shub-Niggurath - "The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young" - would get my vote.  Imagine the tits on that…

I'm still waiting for the social stigma of it being okay to have sex with old people to be shot down…

Old as Folk

Is 'ee 'avin a laugh?

EDIT: Self-fragged.

Honey nut, I hope.

I hope she contracts polio and we find out Jonas Salk had already developed the vaccine but put off releasing it for twenty years just so he could personally watch it slowly cripple and kill her.

Pip pip.

@Scrawler2:disqus Holy shit!  I hope this doesn't have to do with their being targeted by assholes like spacemanbilly - either because someone convinced the administrators to remove their accounts, the site was hacked, or they got so sick of it they deleted their accounts.  Any of those things would be horrible, and a

@Dikachu:disqus Shine the bat-signal?