Buck the Fuck-Up

How many commenters can fuck on the head of a pin?

@avclub-1441762ea1630bc0605fdcef3984e996:disqus Does anyone respect you now?

@avclub-55ab1e0836b46cc575ee502254e68ea9:disqus Me?

@avclub-33beffd09a1b020d1187c6b4b264014a:disqus Mayor Rob Ford, is that you?

Yo' momma's so fat, her measurements are 2-π-r.

Did I always have this pentagram-shaped birthmark on the head of my penis?  Why are…thoughts…memories…feelings…becoming…lost?

My favourite surly chief character ever is the one from Samurai Cop, who utters the immortal lines: "I feel like somebody stuck a big club up my ass. And it hurts! And I've gotta figure out a way to get it out of there…"

Do you have this Nameless Crow God of Emoticon [x]'s digits?

Who let you in?

Doesn't everything, eventually?

Are you into it?

If I have a 50-50 chance of getting heads, OR I have a 50-50 chance of getting tails, then does that mean that I have a 25% chance of getting BOTH?

Or me?

That's five breasts by my count — I'm in.

You have to ask a question.

Since they're being so uncommunicative about Community, I may as well just start following The Following.

Breaking News Regarding Community's Renewal Status: Ehhh, maybe, maybe not, I dunno.

I just flipped that coin and it came up "heads". What does that mean? Please, someone, help me out here.

Awesome.  Big props to your uncle - the music is what really sells it, along with the sound effects.  The animation, while indeed very cool (and at points very innovative, especially with the hand), seems mainly to have involved tracing Akuma from the Street Fighter Alpha games.

I was so close to losing my virginity once, but the chick's dog kept jumping up on the bed and licking our faces, trying to get in on the action.  Total boner-killer, as was the crippling guilt I was experiencing since this was my brother's recent ex-girlfriend (they'd gone out for a few weeks, not like years or