Buck the Fuck-Up

@avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus Yes, that IS why it creeped me out.  The vocab is just weird.  A few months ago, he asked out of nowhere "Daddy, are rats psychotic?", as though this was something he had been pondering.  It took me weeks to figure out where he picked up that word (it was from the movie F

@avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus Happy to see you back.  I thought of you yesterday when I was with my son and he said something creepy.  We were in the front yard, and he said, "Look, Daddy! Ants!"
"Yeah," I said, "would you like to look at them?"
"No. Perhaps kill them…"

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus Jewish Genealogy Links?  I pictured him more as a swarthy Castilian type.

I want to see this too, but I also want there to be this one amazing missionary who kicks so much ass he's like a one-man Salvation Army and loves so many women that they name a sexual position after him.

Still mumbly as all hell, though.  "Gimmeyafukkinkeysyacocksucker…whatdafuuuuuck?"

Ha' YOU doin', 'Macky?

Did you see what GOD just did to us, man?

This just in: fictional television show prioritises plot, characters, and themes above absolute verisimilitude.  Audience feels betrayed.

*is too sad to make dick and/or tentacle sex joke*

Missionary Impossible

How anima-tragic.

Hey Craig, why are you posting about this nonsense?  Don't you know Ray Harryhausen just died?

Adam West's Batman: "Westerns.  Westerns.  Robin, what do all westerns have?"
Burt Ward's Robin: "Cowboys?  Lawmen?"
Batman: "Precisely.  And what do lawmen have?"
Robin: "Badges…hats…moustaches…sixshooters!  Guns!"
Batman: "And what do you call the hindmost part of a gun?"
Robin: "The…butt!"
Batman: "Exactly, my canny

Well now you're just gibbon it away for free.


Large headline: Science Finds Cure for Blindness!

@avclub-c156902f5b20b572848be18c11634dfb:disqus That clip is amazing.  They taze him right in the forehead, and he just points his unlit cigarette at the woman and says "I'll get you, bitch!"  Terrifying.

@avclub-7a695e3e9350d6dfae244623a591f45a:disqus Yes sir (or ma'am).  Mayfair on Friday the 17th of May (and again on Sunday), 10:45 pm.

Yeah, Rifftrax have done some great stuff lately.  Check out their riff of Cool As Ice, for example.

Hologram L. Ron Hubbard as The Master!