Buck the Fuck-Up


Sing a song of graveyards, an acre full of germs.
Four and twenty landlords, a dinner for the worms.
When the box was planted, the worms began to sing.
Isn't that a dainty dish to set before a thing?

So it's "Bad Movie Week" at the A.V. Club, apparently.

@avclub-e646e2fec7dcbe33111f4481a96523af:disqus Thank you so much for the recommendation.  I'm watched some clips and I am definitely watching Miami Connection soon.

The self is divided along the axes of its senses and its desires.  The self that sees is separate from the self that hears; the self that believes from the one that disbelieves; the self that desires all from the one that desires nothing.

Yep.  This one is going to be totally self-aware, but I don't give a shit.  Can't wait to see the Ottawa premiere a week from Friday!

They'll be drunk on Pinkus's new booze venture, Tequila Mockingbird©.

So much like!

Is The Invisible Bully actually The Invisible Handjob's evil twin?

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus Well, it's just that it's hard to reach given the shape of my G-unit.

Invisible bullying is a victimless crime, like punching someone in the dark!

Hmm, I was under the distinct impression that it "aint no thang".  A conundrum, to be sure.

He was sniffin' all my paent, so I called the poh-lees, and when they pullt up in their vee-hicle, he jus' took off a-runnin'!

My son gleefully killing the dozens of ants in our bathroom, through a haze whisky fumes…

@Scrawler2:disqus , stop it, stop it.  You miss the goddamn quarter-note each time!  "I am a camera, a camera AM I~I~I~I~!"

Don't give us none of your socialising
We've had it with the television
But Saturday night's alright for fapping
While watching @Dikachu:disqus tearjerking

Can a man not drink his beer in silence?
Can a man not crudely lie and scream?
Can a man not control his bitch with violence?

Gross!  He makes the kids do macramé??

I don't see how they can run very well, though, what with the chubbiness and the wearing of those chunky boots.

Ha ha ha ha!