Buck the Fuck-Up

Well, the Bible (and by extension the Texas Board of Education) disagrees!

@Dikachu:disqus Well, I sure as hell ain't Stedman!

What, acting in a show about going undercover in the world of male modeling, or jokingly shooting yourself in the head?

OH, the "f" stands for "find"…  Boy did I have it wrong…

His constant grousing is so unpheasant.

Ha ha ha! I'm laughing already!

Worse.  Neutron.

Thor was just laughably bad.  The level of phoned-in-ed-ness of Anthony Hopkins' performance is astonishing, to the point where when Odin falls unconscious, for a second I thought it was Hopkins actually falling asleep from apathy.

"Most Hated and Most Beautiful the same week?  What are you, the 'Irony Woman'? Get it?"

@avclub-874b7724de60bb0860aaa4c5563d5341:disqus Have you seen Samurai Cop yet?  It definitely deserves to stand in the company of The Room, Birdemic, Troll 2, Starcrash, etc. in the pantheon of badfilm.  I have to agree that Wiseau's film is perhaps the most fascinatingly awful, though, even if the others on the list

"When is the book due?"
"There is no book."
"What?  What are you talking about?"
"I told you all that to make it interesting."

He already ordered a pizza.

No, no, that's the "Best Worst Movie".  It's a totally different category altogether.

It's the rooftop "I did naht!" scene.  I think he's under the naive impression that you haven't seen the film in question, when in fact you've seen all the films.

Captain of Americas I am, I am.
I got married to the Black Widow next door.  
She's been married seven…times before!

Lisa is so beautiful and I love Lisa so much and I'm so happy you're my best friend, @avclub-0304234e5dac07d007cf06c22b3f29c4:disqus !

Never shake a baby martini.  Stir it instead.

Not a great pun thread.  C++

I hate that cinnamon is getting such a bad rep from this.  Raw cinnamon is delicious on its own; just chew on cinnamon sticks and don't try to swallow the powdered stuff, ya dummies.  For your health!

*throws up ham on @avclub-75e43c12ef9f1cfdaeae92ca6fa90640:disqus *