Buck the Fuck-Up

I caught some of his special and thought it was good, but I generally can't get into The Nerdist unless he has a really good guest (and I've never seen Talking Dead).  I think that the reason a lot of people have a problem with him is that he's tried to co-opt and market the whole "nerd" thing as an identity or brand

Seriously, what is with the outbreak of people trolling specific commenters on the site these days?  I really don't get it…

She gets really into spray-tanning as well, I take it.

And the prince turns back into a bumpkin, but not before getting a blumpkin.

OHHHH! I didn't know that…I got it from a YouTube comment.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus Well, I made up the word, and I sometimes spell it with a hyphen, but feel free to spell it whatever way you like.  Language is flexible like that.


Thanks.  Lately I've been getting off on the "flag n' like".  I think it's an extension of my growing obsession with tearjerking / bemoananism.

And why does gang rape get such a bad rap?  9 out of 10 people enjoy it.

Dice's pair = paradise!

Huh, that's actually an interesting take on addiction.  Instead of thinking of it in terms of increasing our dependency on certain substances, they frame it as these substances eroding our innate freedom of choice.

Kegels Per Hour

Oh, I thought the "mph" on those signs stood for "mormons per household".

"They came for [him]…" Hey, whatever gets 'em off…

It's sex-porn, where man-penises penetrate lady-vaginas!

PolarBears' penis is a lot like E.T.'s finger…in that he can't keep it out of little boys' faces.
Thinks: Hmmmm, not really my style.  Should I post this?  I like PolarBears, and I think he can take a joke, but it's pretty mean.  Might get me flagged.  Aw, fuck it.

Thanks, @avclub-501c54d131c3b93043a744af0c259c58:disqus , I'll bear that in mind.  I've only shown him the 60s/70s kaiju stuff so far (and the late 90s Godzilla cartoon from the US).  I'll try and watch the new Gamera trilogy myself if they're as good as you say.

@Scrawler2:disqus I flagged his post like 2 hours ago, and nothing so far…

@avclub-e38d7d01bb3addc2e58724fe04de73e8:disqus Well, there is also the fact that my son once started spontaneously booing the Mumfords when they came on the radio.  Even Kyle Ryan commended me on having a cool son when he saw that comment.