Buck the Fuck-Up



Nathan is awesome.  Does anyone else think that he bears an uncanny resemblance to Bob Odenkirk's "Droopy" character from Mr. Show?

@avclub-55ab1e0836b46cc575ee502254e68ea9:disqus Beautiful…

CS,B: The producer of The Hives' albums (and, more importantly, Refused's The Shape of Punk to Come) produced my brother's band's album, and they came to our small Canadian city from Stockholm to record it.  I was drinking with this producer, Pelle, and he asks me if I want to try something.  I agreed, and he pulls

@TheTuckPendletonMachine:disqus Yeah, I actually don't get the mild derision directed towards Amelie.  I really enjoyed The Hater, and even listened through all of the Hatecast.  She's obviously smart, funny, and an engaging writer with real personality.  I think people object to the TI mostly on the basis of her

You borrow children?  What condition do you generally return them in? Actually, forget that second question: can I just get your contact info?

Well, he's cute, blonde, blue-eyed, and utterly charming.  In other words: perfect drug mule.

I think so too.  And they're expecting, so I'm hoping that we can return the favour that way.

Please never talk to me again.

@ColdGottoBe:disqus Oooh, I like "BTFU" as shorthand.  Now I just need a cute handle for my wife…how about Doe the Fuck-Up?  Wait, that's terrible…

Yes, it does exactly that.  That's for the potential hack, Senor!

Yes, but the comments are basically the equivalent of showing up to a weekly one-woman stage show and having a raucous and totally unrelated booze- and food-fueled party while occasionally pointing and laughing at the individual on-stage.

You mean English, French, Swiss-German or Swahili?  My wife's father is Punjabi-Sikh, but the rest of their background is labyrinthine.

As I write below, we had made other arrangements, but they acted almost hurt that we weren't planning on leaving him with them, and they would never accept money for babysitting.  My wife's family is complicated like that…

@avclub-c404a5adbf90e09631678b13b05d9d7a:disqus Well I'm certainly not paying for those balls!

Thank you all so much for the wonderful responses.  I'm sensing that my plan of offering $50 is either fair, insufficient or overgenerous, but since they admitted it was partly their fault I think it's diplomatic (plus I'll offer to torrent a bunch of movies for them if they'd like).  We didn't even want to leave our

So you'll kick in the other $50 is what you're saying?

I think you have to work on your pitch if you want to get more babysitting gigs, but send me your references anyway.

That's how I would handle it too.  Unfortunately, my wife's family (her included) don't function too well on the basis of "reason" and "personal responsibility", so I'm basically just doing damage control at this point.