manimal farm

BM movie is being adapted and directed by Todd Field, who made In the Bedroom and Little Children. He replaced Ridley Scott as director, which is good.

What about the voice of Geddy Lee? Etc. etc…

Wasn't he named after his father, Technical Sergeant Eliot?

Buscemi directed both.

The other ones are insight, play hard, and male enhancement.

It feels a little better if you think of them as belated Zodiac nominations.

It was Lane Meyer, and everyone in the state of Northern California was there to see it.

I ordered…
a nextie.

He is robbed of reason upon hearing cymbal and high hat.

i used to work with lauren dombrowski's sister…
Judy, about 12 years ago. She was a terrific person, and I can only assume it ran in the family.

curiosity didn't kill this cat
Fellow Chicagoan Ebert memorializes him beautifully over at rogerebert.com.

That's why Leslie Stahl's lipstick is always so fucked up.

The final product really is much tastier and toxin-free when you start with organic, free-range, grass-fed actresses.

The "Canadian Thanksgiving" is also the name of a cool pole trick that Montreal strippers are known for. It's worth celebrating.

Tis very good indeed, especially because of Cranston. The premise is kind of outlandish, but he really sells it

yoyo man
Does this include any of Tommy's yo-yo act?

Hackman was 41 when FC was shot.

According to the extras on the dvd, the winter when FC was filmed was so groin-grabbingly cold that they sometimes had trouble keeping the cameras running.

does the rug still make the room 'hang together'?
Does the copy on the back of the new Lebowski box make more sense than the original bare-bones one?