manimal farm

You mean the guy kicking the rear window out of the police cruiser?

Celebrities in public service jobs
This could be a whole new celebreality genre. Where were the cameras when David Lee Roth was trying to be an EMT? Can we get Gary Busey a gig at the DMV?

"Cook for me like you did by the lake, on Naboo."

Orthodox Jewish women be shaving their heads like this, but Indian diamond merchants' wives be shaving their heads LIKE THIS.

I was looking for one of those too. C'mon, it's only 369 pages.

Monetizing all over the place?

"I'm a reasonable man. I've just experienced some very unreasonable things."

I'll definitely be picking this one up. I can't stop staring at the title design on the cover.

Return to Oz
It's true, Walter Murch is a genius.

It's actually called The Last Castle, but I give you points for omitting that word and avoiding the failed lasties.

You should sleep late, man. It's just much easier on your constitution.

Jonathan is Hugh Laurie about 20 years younger. Maybe Steve Coogan, though he might be too old as well.

Am I right or am I right or am I right? Right?

I second that emotion.

Well, there were some production trucks parked on the block earlier this week, but they're gone now. I didn't see Mr. Ford, but one of my coworkers did. I haven't been able to find any trace of the cigar. Today I was eating my lunch on one of the benches you can see in the background, then it started raining so I

mere steps from my office!
That pic is at Grace Plaza, 43rd and 6th. The building in the background is HBO's headquarters.

But does it have 100% pure adrenaline? I like my Kathryn Bigelow movies to have 100% pure adrenaline.

Only if you're still alive.

Jorge Von Salsa has the upper hand!

He hitched himself up and buttoned his trousers and stepped past them and went up the walk toward the lights. The first man watched him go and then opened the door of the jakes.
Good God almighty, he said.