"We'll make our own magazine! Where girls can read about a life of chastity, abstinence, and a flavorless mush I call rootmarm!"
"We'll make our own magazine! Where girls can read about a life of chastity, abstinence, and a flavorless mush I call rootmarm!"
Have mercy!
To keep it in the Greek tragedy realm: The grand-scale humiliation of Paul Ryan as his years-long evil crusade to repeal Obamacare turned to dust before his eyes. The catharsis was real that day.
I don't think any ridiculous buyout he gets will diminish the public humiliation he is now suffering, which is the punishment he deserves.
You guys probably wouldn't get it. A little too underground.
So, you mean like…DUCKWORTH. He tells an amazing story front to back with tons of detail without a single wasted bar…Seriously, this song is fucking amazing.
Yeah, I might agree with that, though GKMC is still tough to top. I thought TPAB was a little bloated, though it definitely has some incredible moments.
"Human windowless van" is the perfect insult. Hits the sweet spot of making fun of his looks, personality, worldview, all rolled into one. Gorgeous roast.
Superman with Brandon Routh as the lead role. Holy hell that movie was bad.
"If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards.
"Well you're doin' a heckuva job, Spicey"
"So Mr. O'Reilly, you admit you grabbed her can. What do you have to say in your defense? Your silence only incriminates you further. No Mr. O'Reilly, don't take your anger out on me! Noooooo!"
I really hope Hayes brings back his impression of Colin as a recurring character. So cheeky!
Meanwhile, during the primary campaign Hillary praised Nancy fucking Reagan for "starting the conversation" on AIDS in the 80's. A true progressive.
And really stupid ones at that!
Definitely not that ol' sourpuss Brian Eno!
Seriously though, if anyone was wondering how relevant the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame is, Journey is in and Brian Eno is not.
Agreed. I did not enjoy Hodgman in that episode at all. Any time the Peaches started to get on a roll riffing, Hodgman kept trampling all over it with unfunny recurring bits. His award show wrap-up music towards the end was especially grating.
You must be a better tv watcher than me. For a while I thought Tom the waiter would turn out to be the rapist.
Rebuttal: Chicago Mix is amazing. The cheese and caramel combo sounds nasty and should absolutely not work, but the plain fact is that it is god damn delicious.
(Source: Everyone)
Respond with the wise words of RuPaul: "Bye Bitch"