Super Plus Ice Festival

To be fair, getting rid of Hannity would count for about 500 of those steps.

After a few listens I am really liking the new album quite a bit. "Signs of Life", "Electric Blue", and "Put Your Money on Me" have wormed their way deep into my brain.

I don't think we millennials dislike boobs per se, but we do dislike fake boobs, which were commonplace in the porn of yesteryear and are, objectively, terrible. Like…have you ever felt fake boobs? Yuck. They are icky. Anyway, add fake boobs to the litany of shitty stuff that millennials don't like and are actively

See also: People who watched Breaking Bad and stayed cheering for Walter White until the very end.

I don't think the point of the show is for us to see that everything is meaningless. I think the writers want us to see that Rick's nihilistic attitude is *maybe* technically correct, but also completely poisonous and no way for anyone to live. Morty says exactly this in the episode.

I think this episode had plenty of levity. Yes it was one of the darker ones, but there was TONS of jokes throughout, throwaway one-note characters, bizarre references, and everything else I'd expect from R&M. I think maybe you just didn't find it funny?

Oh ok. Thanks for that insightful argument.

This comment is irrational, conspiratorial trash, not to mention incredibly hateful.

Kill Bill Vol. 2 is my number one Tarantino movie. It is brilliantly shot, acted, and structured. The opening scene wedding massacre. The confrontation with Budd out in the desert (Michael Madsen is incredible in that role). The buried alive scene. The cruel tutelage of Pei-Mei. The Bride's meeting with Hatori Hanzo.

Fort Manafort is manned by Manafort's man, Mort.


God bless Rick Hahn. I am a life-long White Sox fan, and once the afterglow of 2005 wore off, it's been extremely frustrating to watch this team be mired in mediocrity with no real plan in place to get back to being a contender, not to mention years of idiotic moves by Kenny Williams to acquire washed up veteran

Is the line really that bad? I mean, yes it is blatant stereotyping, which is not cool even when the stereotype is "positive" (asians are good at math, etc.). But then again, by America 2017 standards it's pretty low on the offensive meter.

Man, this finale, and the entire season, was a big let down.

We can no longer sit idly by while this authoritarian school government only serves pizza on Fridays!


Pet Sounds, hands down. Pet Sounds is a singular achievement and the greatest thing Brian Wilson ever did. On the other hand, apart from "A Day in the Life", Sgt. Peppers is mid-tier Beatles.

I mean the guy's so zooted he's on the friggin moon or on one of the other outer space planets…from highness.