
So will the next musical number be Jessica "Salt" Lange & "Peppa" singing to Lana "PUSH IT REAL GOOD!" As Bloody Face, Jr. pops out of her like a Jack in the box?

And he'll be reading it by the light of a human nipple lamp.


No - my due date was actually January 1, but my mother had me artificially induced to come a week early - Christmas. My grandfather was such a son of a bitch, he wouldn't let my mother leave for the hospital until the Christmas dinner dishes were done. So by the time they got to the hospital, I wound up being born at

No - my due date was actually January 1, but my mother had me artificially induced to come a week early - Christmas. My grandfather was such a son of a bitch, he wouldn't let my mother leave for the hospital until the Christmas dinner dishes were done. So by the time they got to the hospital, I wound up being born at

OMG. As a Christmas 25th/26th baby (dear god, don't ask), I have so much love for this episode. I may have laughed harder during this half hour than at any other show in months.

OMG. As a Christmas 25th/26th baby (dear god, don't ask), I have so much love for this episode. I may have laughed harder during this half hour than at any other show in months.

If Carnitas doesn't becoming a recurring character, I may die.

If Carnitas doesn't becoming a recurring character, I may die.

And…. helmet joke. I just wanted to be part of the group.

And…. helmet joke. I just wanted to be part of the group.

Am I the only one who was freaking out over the whole "barn" aspect of this? Look, I'm all for silly plotlines, but getting a building permit for something like this is basically impossible. Not to mention the landlord would throw them out in a heartbeat.

Am I the only one who was freaking out over the whole "barn" aspect of this? Look, I'm all for silly plotlines, but getting a building permit for something like this is basically impossible. Not to mention the landlord would throw them out in a heartbeat.

It's the little things about this show that drive me crazy. The perfectly mass manufactured militia flag fluttering on the flagpole, the perfectly printed U.S. Map, the beautifully manufactured, impeccably clean & in pristine condition of the militia uniforms. All of this stuff is almost impossible for me to overlook.

It's the little things about this show that drive me crazy. The perfectly mass manufactured militia flag fluttering on the flagpole, the perfectly printed U.S. Map, the beautifully manufactured, impeccably clean & in pristine condition of the militia uniforms. All of this stuff is almost impossible for me to overlook.

Did I miss the resolution of the Kalinda/Nick storyline somewhere? Or did the writers just mercifully decide to save us viewers by having him suddenly fall into Lake Michigan & drown without anyone noticing. I'm hoping so, because if I had to watch him & Kalinda act out one more food porn scene, I was going to throw

Did I miss the resolution of the Kalinda/Nick storyline somewhere? Or did the writers just mercifully decide to save us viewers by having him suddenly fall into Lake Michigan & drown without anyone noticing. I'm hoping so, because if I had to watch him & Kalinda act out one more food porn scene, I was going to throw

Am I the only one who thought the green screen work for Rihanna's first song was just… well, how do I put this politely. THE WORST FUCKING PIECE OF SHITTY GREEN SCREEN WORK   IN THE HISTORY OF GREEN SCREEN WORK? There is no way it was intentionally that bad.

Am I the only one who thought the green screen work for Rihanna's first song was just… well, how do I put this politely. THE WORST FUCKING PIECE OF SHITTY GREEN SCREEN WORK   IN THE HISTORY OF GREEN SCREEN WORK? There is no way it was intentionally that bad.

I've always wanted to visit Brazil. Now more than ever.