
I've always wanted to visit Brazil. Now more than ever.

Ah - thanks for the insight. Damn balls, always gettin' in the way. Were Peter's balls always this shiny, or is this because he's part observer now?

Ah - thanks for the insight. Damn balls, always gettin' in the way. Were Peter's balls always this shiny, or is this because he's part observer now?



My "observant" friend Josh noticed something truly strange. While Peter is in the apartment recreating Walter's steps, there appear to be a pair of small metallic balls on the floor. When he swings his foot over/in front of them, they appear to vanish. Is this something weird with editing, or something more? Here's a

My "observant" friend Josh noticed something truly strange. While Peter is in the apartment recreating Walter's steps, there appear to be a pair of small metallic balls on the floor. When he swings his foot over/in front of them, they appear to vanish. Is this something weird with editing, or something more? Here's a

I did enjoy watching Dylan McDermott "PullQuote" himself while crying.

I did enjoy watching Dylan McDermott "PullQuote" himself while crying.



And the Mexican was the mastermind. She was an illegal (space) alien: QUADRUPLE TWIST!!

And the Mexican was the mastermind. She was an illegal (space) alien: QUADRUPLE TWIST!!

I've been working on that. I think it's a Maine-Massachusetts-Vaguely New England sort of thing. Phonetically, she'd probably say "I pahked the cah on top of a little gahl, ayuh."

I've been working on that. I think it's a Maine-Massachusetts-Vaguely New England sort of thing. Phonetically, she'd probably say "I pahked the cah on top of a little gahl, ayuh."

I can see it now:

I can see it now:

As someone who works at a place where there are multiple levels of clearance, I can promise you this: There is NO way A) Brody would be allowed to wander around highly classified areas with a cell phone. And B) Even if he managed that, no cell phone on this earth would get a signal out. Hell, mine can barely get a

As someone who works at a place where there are multiple levels of clearance, I can promise you this: There is NO way A) Brody would be allowed to wander around highly classified areas with a cell phone. And B) Even if he managed that, no cell phone on this earth would get a signal out. Hell, mine can barely get a

I gotta agree with his review. There was almost nothing of any real interest going on. When the bull/moped race started, my hubby & I were like "What the fuck? The challenge is to sit on the back of a scooter for 30 seconds? Oh, and you do't have to worry about winning, or anything silly like that?"