
Get in line.

I'm loving the Nick/Jess dynamic. It really lets Jake Johnson tread new grounds with his character.

I think I could watch Kaley Cuoco's reaction shots all day.

Wow. I think this episode just blew any remaining positive feelings I had about it out of the water. Or, to be more appropriate, poured a bucketful of slushie over my remaining good will and then dropped a metal bucket on it from a great height while the writers, directors & producers all laughed.

Strongest raft on Earth.

Were you on your way to Farhampton to be a ring bear?

I'm not getting why there's so much Schmidt hate going on right now. Sure, it was a douchebag move (Schmidt! Money. Jar. NOW!), but I didn't see it as totally off character. In fact, hidden in his "apology" to Cece was probably the most honest bit of character development, the most honestly vulnerable moment I've seen…

I was laughing so hard at this last week when Ted kept taking Lily's drink. I didn't think they'd have the tennis balls to make the gag last as long as it did, and it just kept getting funnier. Poor Linus must be carrying trays of drinks wherever he goes.

I have this hunch that Daphne is going to somehow wind up presiding over the ceremony.

Prepare to dance!


Yeah, but I kind of liked it that way.

I can only hope they're still planning a spin off focusing on who's sitting on LaGuerta's Bench.

Hey Gepetto. Make with the Oom-Pah-Pah.

"There will be no nails, screws, or hammers in this entire building….area".

"Tweet Twoo!"

Is Val Kilmer my spirit animal?

I was jokingly referring to AHS - not sure why. Aliens, maybe?

I'll take "What are synopsis I never expected to read in 'TV Guide'"for $500 please, Alex.

If I've learned one thing in my decades of watching this show. They can come up with more plot at the drop of a hat.