
Why it works…
"Just the idea of Highlander carries it a great distance, no matter how shabbily that idea is supported."

Demo Bloat
That key demo seem to be constantly growing At one point it was 18-25, then it was 18-34, and now you're telling me it's 18-49?

I must enter a title.
"The fuck is bogling?"

I expect shame if the reviewer uses that term.

Am I the only one who had no idea Demetri Martin was even in this movie? If he's such a comedic powerhouse, maybe they should put him in the trailer more.

Some of us have kids.

With you up until….
…we start trying to portray the fact that he's getting scrutinized as something to pity him for. Oddly enough, when you make a spectacle of yourself, people look at you.

I'm Pro
This will be great as long as they aim it at kids (i.e. new viewers) and not grownups who will judge it based on their false memories of the 80's. It's a badass concept that deserves a modern treatment.

Franklin, TN
I know that no one actually cares, but Franklin, TN isn't a wholesome small town at all. It's a huge rich suburb of Nashville. So if you work in the country or christian music industry, and you don't want to live in Nashville itself, you live in Franklin.

The Middle?
Does The Middle count as another example of a realistic (by sitcom standards) depiction of a lower-middle class?

Man I wish I could fix that typo.



Yeah, they should try a different martial arts concept other than "Old master trains unlikely young hero, young hero then defends honor of himself and master." Like, umm…, wait is there another one?

Time to stop…
I guess it's time to stop defending Kung Fu Panda.

37 seconds…
…that's as far as I could make it without physically cringing with embarrassment for them to a degree where I had to turn it off.

Game Show
See, I think they should turn it into an actual game show where whoever ends up with the most profit at the end of a season wins….something.

"one of the few saving graces of an otherwise dismal season of new television shows"

I must enter a title.
Wait, did you just spoil the ending of Love and Other Drugs?

Step Off…
Hey, watch it with the Kung Fu Panda references. KFP was the first truly great movie to come out a Dreamworks Animation.