
Thank you for replying to this honestly and responsibly. I am eternally exasperated by people who think that public transit or biking are always reasonable options, logistics be damned. They aren't going to build a rail station to transport 100 people a day.

Whether you like them or not, I think people tend to grossly underestimate just how huge they were. Yeah, they were mostly pretty silly, but that meant a lot to a lot of people.

Disappointed that Kristen Schaal was not cast as the horse.

Okay you must have not ever spent any time around toddlers at all. The fish is a knockoff of Elephun, which to a 2-4 year old is maybe the most fun game ever invented. Catching an object that slowly floats down from above is the toddler equivalent to slam dunking a basketball from a motorcycle jumping the grand canyon.

Complete agreement on the first one—shocked to find it to be a perfectly enjoyable little holiday film that the kids love and I'm happy to watch with them. I was actually just looking for it on Hulu last night, but they seem to have removed it for some baffling reason.

I don't think it's that the show was good and became bad. But rather that most of the awfulness comes from it being the same notes over and over and over again. That doesn't mean that we were tricked into liking it or anything in the first season. It just means we're all kind of bored with it now.

I sure hope she's a lot more engaging as an actress than as a clip-introducer. She could not look more bored.

The Swamp is my least favorite episode of the entire series.

I MUST enter a title.
I wish I liked Scott Aukerman and Doug Benson more. They sure have funny friends.

The play is one of the scariest things I've ever encountered, but a big part of that was the starkness of the production. Hmm….

The problem with the books "growing"
It's considered common wisdom that the books aged nicely with its readers, but that creates a problem now. My daughter (8) is the right age for the first couple books now, but I can't imagine her trying to get through the latter books. So do I get them for her now or wait? Make her

Uh guys…
So you make the point that Short Circuit is nothing more than a toy commercial blow up to 90 minutes, but there's a fairly significant problem with that. There WERE no Short Circuit toys. Where is your God now?

Weevil and Logan in a buddy cop and/or roadtrip movie.
Make it happen America!

I'm not defending DIVX here or anything, but I'm positive that the thing about the players being twice as expensive is wrong in any sense of reality. My very first DVD player was a DIVX player, which, I actually got a pretty good deal on because Circuit City was pushing the DIVX players really hard and had them

@Asuka Rangure Soryu

I'll be here all night folks…
Introducing the all new, more colorful Daleks. Only from Apple.

Why did everyone stop calling him Puff Daddy? Seriously. Just call him Puffy.

What in the world would make you presume that this will be One Tree Hill's final season. There's absolutely zero rationale for it having been on the air for the last four seasons, so it's far more likely that they're just going for some kind of record and will let it go on and on until the network

I'm being entirely genuine when I say that the sitcoms can not be as bad as these clips make them look. If I saw any of those on Funny or Die, I'd assume they were parodies of terrible sitcoms. Jimminy!

Human Target Pun Goes Here
I'll miss Human Target. I don't disagree with any of the criticisms, but I enjoyed watching it each week, and I'll miss not seeing it anymore.