
See, I think you guys are illustrating the problem. As they went on, they tried to give the Sonic games a little bit for everyone, but that also meant there was at least one part that everyone hated as well. Which part was which differed from person to person, but everyone ended up thinking of the game as having

First Episode was Good…
Nope, not an attempted firstie, I promise.

I think there's a contingent among us who just doesn't connect as well to a pure drama relationship. The strongest emotional chords are struck from the juxtaposition between comedy and gravity.

She's doing fine, but she sure seems to be getting an awful lot of screen time for her first season. She's been in at least 3/4 of the sketches this season. I suspect they're trying to groom her to replace Kristen Wiig as "the girl in every sketch." Every cast needs one.

FWIW, I don't put What's Up With That in the same category because the fact that it's one note *is* the joke. The entire sketch is a running gag. Plus I could watch Jason Sudekis dance in a track suit for hours.

Straight Man
This is why, in comedy duos, one is usually the straight man.

I liked Shaolin Soccer significantly more as a bootleg VCD with Engrish subtitles than the actual DVD release here in the states, where a LARGE amount of the dialog had been "westernized" so that all the charm and cleverness had been squeezed out, not to mention several really funny scenes.

I am so glad so see so many people giving Busy the credit she deserves. She was also served to elevate Dawson's Creek when she was there and I've been a fan of hers (if not the show in general) ever since.

This may have been the worst possible episode for you to give a try (and probably my least favorite of the entire series). Go into Hulu and watch the three oldest episodes they have if you want to give it an honest shot.

The Power of iCarly
When discussing his popularity, I don't think you're giving enough credit to iCarly and Dan Schnieder, who've dedicated an entire episode to how awesome he is (let's be clear, that was the tone of the show, not how I feel) and given him a huge push on Nick. Especially with Jeanette in there, my

It's pretty clear that a majority of the people criticizing the show haven't actually seen the show.

Goodman would destroy all opponents.

Do people still really go to google.com and search for things? I can even remember the last time I didn't just use the search bar in the browser.

I always found this technique counterproductive anyway since we've started just muting the TV out of habit during commercial breaks so our ears weren't blown off.

Oddly Enough..
I actually liked this episode. To be clear, I can't stand the show, but my wife likes it and I like her. So I liked this episode because it had lots of funny lines and seeing Britney dance was the best thing I've seen on the show. More of this please. Yes characters acted completely non-sensically and