Bruce Leeroy

Have we heard Uncle Rico's character's name yet?  If memory serves- at the end of the Napoleon Dynamite, Uncle Rico meets a nice mexican girl riding her bicycle and we don't get to find out more about what happens to their relationship.  Is it possible that she was a girl with a troubled past (perhaps she was riding

Greg Brown "I must be in Oregon"

I wonder if the writers were inspired by the Farscape  episode "The Locket."   Nearly identical premise.  Even though I'd like to see some sort of great closure where everybody lives happily ever after (does Hermes ever become Bureaucrat Number 1?!) I thought it was a nice ending (and fortunately leaves the door

Maybe it's must me but the writers have really nailed it with showing how relationships come and go in a lot of respects.  Finn screwed up, hoped that an apology would give him one more chance, but FP made up her mind and moved on.  FP's  "we can still be friends" cuts deep (curling up in fetal position seems

Yeah, I remarked to my girlfriend after watching that scene, "I am glad I'm not watching this with my parents."  Yikes.  Not be prudish, but is there a reason they need to be so graphic?  I mean, we can all pretty much understand what's going on there without the scene needing to be so explicit.   For example, in the

The cell phone thing completely took me out of the show. Not good. I hope they don't do that every time someone texts. Just do it like most shows do and zoom in on the phone. Just a little too clever for my tastes.

I was fully expecting her to do the old "take my hand as I lay dying" trope and then shiv Hal in the neck.  Would have been a great way to retire him from the show.  Just a boring character.  Mullet son is a bad actor but I'm a fan of rockabilly haircuts so he can stay.  Mutant middle son is the only useful child of

Season 4 will be focused on Tom Mason's war crimes tribunal for violations of the Intergalactic Geneva Conventions.   And it will likely contain more action than this season. 

Les, I hope you keep reviewing the show.  Your sentiments exactly capture my frustrations and I'll be saddened if you trade out for someone who has never participated in the Tom Mason drinking game.  My suffering is lessened knowing that others are suffering with me.   Second,before I saw this episode I would have bet

2 Guns 1 Cup

I would like weirdo sideburns man to replace Morgan Freeman as narrator of "Through the Wormhole."

The issue I have with the show (and others have pointed it out) is how dumb it makes the feds look. FBI agents are pretty high speed (I work with them often) and they would not dismiss out of hand the killers pattern indicating a lack of interest in the ransom. Hostage negotiators (since cousin Johnny claims he has

Pacific Rim was enjoyable.  It was what Transformers should have been.  I think the movie suffered from a terrible marketing department and it didn't really get a chance to build up a lot of pre-release buzz.  To me at least, the movie seemingly came out of nowhere.

Is that how Bridges talks in real life now?  What would you call that accent?  Drunken, slurring Texan?  Old coot foghorn leghorn? If that is his everyday accent now, they should have him on Drunk History talking about the old west.

Anyone remember Robot Jox?  That was a great movie. 

The Chair recognizes Queen Amidala of the Naboo.  
"Your honor, I move for a vote of no confidence in President Mason."
All In Favor?
The vote appears unanimous.
All opposed?
Senator Edward J. Horse from Planet Cowboy, your objection has been noted for the record.
The motion passes.

I know!  Vohm look cool, the skinny aliens look cool, the skitters are interesting, they have mechs and MEGA-mechs, and instead the writers think, "I feel the audience would prefer to watch what men stripped of reason,  common sense, or basic tactical knowledge would act like."  I think Family Guy had a parody clip of

I enjoyed the movie a lot but a couple things didn't make sense.  The story is based on the true story of Doug Smith, but what compelled Baruschel to make Doug Smith into Doug Glatt, a character who is jewish with a flamboyantly gay brother?  I thought the story was interesting enough without Baruschel taking self

I think from now on I'll just read the write-ups and save an hour of my life.  Man, what a waste of potential.  Maybe before they start filming next season, they'll get some non-hack writers and realize that no one watches a show about humans fighting a superior alien force because they are interested in seeing a

Among my circle of friends, "Give him the gun, he'll put me down clean" is among the highest compliments one can receive.