Bruce Leeroy

Ah, curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!

As much I as I find this show frustrating, cliché, and annoying- it's the only real Sci Fi show on television (Defiance is a video game masquerading as an inscrutable tv show).  That being said, all will be forgiven and I will never complain about Falling Skies again if one thing happens:

50% of the time it works every time.  They are all over the universe and you try to keep them from spreading by blowing up each planet. Come on, it's Chekov's (super-ray) gun.  Why else have a mysterious superweapon (and surprise- no one knows how it works) if not to blow up the world? 

1000% it's Lourdes.  Tracking device in the med bag.  Checking out creepy kid (I assume she lied when she said tom asked her to keep an eye on the baby).  Now the question is whether she is mindcontrolled or turned on humans after her boyfriend had spiders burst out of his mouth (she seemed kinda distraught and

Is it just me or does Hawkes look like Jason Bateman in the commercials?

Is it just me or does Hawkes look like Jason Bateman in the commercials?

I always get him confused with Barclay from Star Trek: TNG.

I always get him confused with Barclay from Star Trek: TNG.

Tector is a Marine, not a soldier.

Tector is a Marine, not a soldier.

No snark, just a technical correction for future reference:  "Wepner admits to joining the Marines in the ‘50s because of a movie called Battle Cry, because all the triumphant young soldiers returned home to some quality tail."   Marines don't return to become soldiers unless they change branches of the military.  

Probably can take out "regular" and the sentence makes sense.  They would be really good at chess-boxing.  I give you that.  You have some fighters (Mike Tyson, Bernard Hopkins, etc) who had very tough upbringings and fighting was their path away from prison (which didn't quite work).  Lots of other boxers were raised

Dr. Steelhammer is a sweet nickname.  I like that these are just regular dudes who are good at their craft.  Boring as all hell though.