This Is My Serious Face

Reading this thread was liking watching the Chris Farley figure skater sketch.

[raises a paw]

If you can stun and kill the cow yourself, then I have no beef with you.  But if you make someone else do it—-well, that kind of cognitive dissonance just makes you a coward.

They still sell a square fish-like patty on a bun, but they've succumbed to common sense and stopped calling it The Whaler.

Opportunity for Great SciFi Movie Slips through Fingertips

Something like The Room comes along only once in a generation.  Don't be greedy.

Get youh ass to Mahhs.

Hey now everybody
Now hey now everybody
Hey now everybody

I found a new friend


He also loved the nipples on the Clooney Batsuit.

I submit that there was at least one laugh.  What about the old man going around saying, "You're doomed!"  Then looking at someone else standing there, and saying, "You're doomed, too!"

Thank you, Kozmo.  May you remain forever unkillable.

Michael Westen just texted me (we're buds and the "e" on his keyboard's not working, so…)

Yes it was definitely at its best when being more dry and subtle.

Hey, that's my name too.

Joan Rivers.

Speak up, please.  I'm a trifle deaf in this ear.

I nuh bubba pinta bubba AH tuh beee

The worst part is, I actually like Anne Hathaway a lot, and I think she did a much better job than Franco, obviously.  I too prefer enthusiasm over total disinterest.