obsequious milquetoast

Malaria - NO! Not when there are leaches available!

the best kind!

is Paint with Pop-Pop now Mommy?

Light of the Gods?

Indefinite Duration, Indefinite Quantity


I thought cavemen whacked with fleshlights?

Hey Einstein! Get off the beach!

CSI: Federation
Warp Speed, She Wrote

Sure, force fields.
But mostly blowing ship up reall good.

Ser Walter O'Reilly

Watch the scene with the Hound. Arya uses the same eyebrows as the Hound did.

That was Sulu's job.

Jordan, from the House Marsh, has excellent blueberry muffins.

White Mall Walkers, clogging the place up at 7am before the stores open.
Looking ahead with red rimmed blue eyes

You are in a twisted maze of tiny passages.

Gendry is the onwer/operator of the ferry that takes tourists to the ruins of the great sept.
HINT: Last stop is a gift shop.

Ser Vonnegut stole the ICE-9 scroll.

No. We were talking about Banks and Pens.
Same question.

Not much of an archer either…