obsequious milquetoast

Cool Fact Haffenreffer beer (Boston) used to be sold in Dragonglass bottles with ceramic tops.

Nick Cage, our Nation turns its' longing gaze to your visage.

They prefer "Flatbread Emporium" in Brooklyn. Pizza Shops are in the Bronx.

Because we BELIEVED in him

Taggart: God darnit, Mr. Lamarr, you use your keyboard prettier than a twenty dollar whore.

Some fanboy theory out there proposes that Jamie and Cersei are Targarian bastards, and Tyrion is Tywin's only true born.

Bob Dole, BOB Dole, Bob DOLE

"and what's up with Chicken-Pussy? Is it enticing?"

So, What do they call "Cross-Fit" here in Paris?

So, use "Killary" when singing to your own like-minded choir boys.
Use "Hillary" when attempting to sway undecided or left-leaning people.
You sort of gave yourself away with the Killary-thang.

"Zen and the Art of Trans-Am Repair"

Rape Stove will cook a Turkey in half the time versus a slow, conventional Non-Raping Oven!

You got fog on my Yoghurt!
You got yougurt on my dew!

Ever try Jalebi? One of them is not good, however, cram at least seven in your mouth and somehow they transmorgify into God's own sweet nectar.

Now I want to see Wes Anderson adapt "Infinite Jest". Just for the microwave pallete.

Edison needed NOTHING from the major studios!
"Nobody wants to see a man sneezing" they said.

Way to ruin the magic, Cranston.
Why don't you tell us how the Zapruder film ends?

Should we assume no windage in our calculations?
What treachery is this?

Studio Exec: So "To Sir With Love" with undead Flesh Eaters? Is that it?
Romero: Can I have som more of this cocaine?

I am completely sufferable!