obsequious milquetoast

Agreed. I found it telling that both Arya and Sansa had times of peril, and were both aided if not saved by the Hound. Forget not that both Arya and Sansa lost their direwolves. They Hound was their surrogate canine.

"Eeeelanor, you must relate many details…" was such a good tag line.

No. Canada Goose is not a tasty bird, probably due to their golf course diet.

for Coit-Us?

Well, all the punks are going to scream "yippy".

Everything was great until the CornSyrup Wars of 2018.

You better, you better. You bet.

This is why you don't have Bob Weir open your shows.

"M'lord, we already have the meats."

Too White. Needs some Ike Turner.

It should have said "Police Automobile"

But Jimmy Carter WAS smarter!

Get a load of this ass. Thinks he saw an angel.

The aptly named Flash in the Pan's Walking in the Rain

Was it John Cusack?

If you try to comment, and want to fucking kill, that's Discus.

She still has a chance to fix him.
(oh please, please)

Where is Zoidberg when you really need him?

Those pillows don't bite themselves.

I thought Dunwich would be a cool place to visit. Pfft.
It's just like the rest of Massachusetts, all Dunkin Donuts, CVS stores, faux Irish Pubs, and fish eyed women who work at Hospitals for the Insane.