obsequious milquetoast

Was that the Pope? Must of been the last one. The new one seems cool.

Well. You are not a GIFer.

Wasting food is stupid and selfish. Wasting booze is a fucking sin.

Thanks for the Grafts, homeless guy!

What is the wifi password?

Be a furry and have both!

I feel offal for making this pun.

That doesn't apply to sports or politics, but hey. Sure.

James Woods? No accounting for taste.
I guess that was before twitter.

Nice Michael Moore cameo in that one.

C'mon, twice an hour tops.

I used to frequent the DC to Boston overnight milk-run. We called this particular brand of a-hole the "Irish Whisperers". We Quiet Car extremists used to take turns waking them up after their brand of bullshit lulled them to sleep.

"Prune Whip? Prune Whip? Three Prune Whips!"

When PTA shows them both Darabont's script for "White Noise", they will come crawling back.

If Trump gets rid of Bannon, who will find the truffles?

The US goes from "never again" to "states rights".

There is indeed no "Press B".
However, Bannon has a stockpile of Zyklon B.

"Double shot of My Baby's Love"

Even Eric Ohlsen hates Rory Scovel, and Eric Ohlsen likes everybody.

Nice is in France.