obsequious milquetoast

"Zappo" was the one with the Ray gun, right?

We call that KFC round these parts, Son.

Louise Day-Hicks

From your, em, dick to God's ear.

They don't order "large" coffees. They order "grand-eh" coffees.

Ser Formaldehyde has the solution.

Yeah, but what about Sansa?

This is why the GIF was invented!

Mayhaps the child was conceived in a Northeast Airport.


That will be Product Placement: The Movie

Did you bring the windowless van?


Shea is dead!

In a big glass jar labeled "Poison That Strong (Belwas)"

This is American TOP 40.
This is AMERICAN Top 40.
This is bullshit.

Those eyebrows.

I can change her!

Philly on one side, Pittsburgh on the other, and Alabammy in the middle.

It's true! He hasn't shit in a punchbowl or potted plant in days!