obsequious milquetoast

North. Korea.

did he prefer acute little angles?

Oxford, Mississippi, comma, Man.

Jive-talking sidekick?
Stephen King gonna write that character?



fucking Cuomo! Pay UP!

Lifetime has ALWAYS been a horror provider.
Sure, the horror was narrowly focused on a single demographic, middle-aged white females. The monsters are/were:
* unknown men who want to steal your precious daughter for unspeakable acts
* known men who want to hurt/murder their white wives
* known women who want to steal your

ahem, "In a Development Meeting"

Ex-Wives, Everybody!

Peter Sellers?

Evil Fucks with their hands always out, looking for an envelope and a IOC only Swag bag. The Corrupt Class.

This guy is a hoser. He cannot hold a candle to his brothers, Bob and Doug.

Nic Cage, Financial Advisor.

The reunion show isn't about nothing, it actually doesn't exist.
My God, the man is a genius.

"Don't eat too much 'Chubby-Hubby' ice cream" my wife says.
"Cause you are too Chubby", she says
So I says to her, I says "I'm not chubby. I am morbidly obese!"
But she then ignores me, because she is a little cruel, and completely imaginary.

Klaus Floride?

Foster's is a can of imaginary friends.

5 year old me wanted to marry her.
Until I found out it was cool whip.

Darabont's first script for Lithium was excellent.