obsequious milquetoast

TV Club needs to start reviewing the "After New Girl" Chat Show

Cambridge, you mean

The worst? Presbyterians who put fruit in Jello.
What assholes.

Then where the hell is Diabetus?

con-what now?

but, but, LIfetime movies!

I don't know, the LBJ one had a few moments

So, one of the unused season two scripts from "Vinyl"?

Ok, so I went there. Uggh.

Mison Complishd

How will this drug be administered?
Oral or Rectal?
(asking for a friend, who is also totally a Doctor)

Excellent (and ironic) username / comment synergy.

It's all the good drum breaks…

We know where you live, so, No. it is not.

Can I buy the two discarded Frogs discs?
I lent mine to a fucking Priest with a yeast infection, and never got them back.

"I think he is attempting re-entry"

Fight with me…get hepatitis, Si.


RECORD the radio broadcast of a Red Sox game WITHOUT the required written permission of the Commissioner of Baseball.

Everybody: Forget a boycott. Run to your local Cinemark:
Pay the least you can for a showing, and then try to sneak into at least 3 more movies.
Bring in your own food and beer.
Leave a mess.