obsequious milquetoast

So Greedo will shoot first

Until the Flying Wet Nurse Guild acts…

Isn't that a sub-plot from Gravity's Rainbow?

Frank Stallone?

I saw Dolores in Boston about 10 years ago. She was very attractive.
Lucky you.


Red Rum
3 parts Mount Gay Rum
1 part Cherry Zarex
Shake and serve with ice

The Pizza Hut Dildo Dinner Deluxe now comes with Cinnamon Sticks and Handcuffs

Give me $20, I will tell you about relatives you don't even know about.

Be easier to count the blokes that Morrissey thought weren't complete shite.

Marco Pirroni,man. The dude could play.

She wants Candy, I'm told.

So are Psonic Psunspots the entire XTC line-up, or is it a sub-set?
I loved that album, until some dude named BRAD "borrowed" it. FOREVER.

Step back and kiss yerself

Bush Albums

Great old Boston Band!

After years of trying, Trazadone worked for me.

Of coors he was

Hitchcock/Michelangelo Antonioni Swipe!

Indiana Jones and Go to the Window