Old Doak

@Sacks — No, you're not the only one. I agree that the whole bit, while very funny, was just not Swanson-like. And I refuse to believe that Ron Swanson would ever use the word "Behold!". Just shades too far into, I don't know, Dungeons and Dragons territory.

You are 100% right, 0% wrong. The vogue of oversinging probably started with people imitating Stevie Wonder and Aretha Franklin, two singers who could actually inject melisma into a Lennon/McCartney melody and make it work. But this approach has so completely overtaken pop singing, that it makes shows like this

Both Waits and the Captain bellow. There's that.

@Ruphaijo - I think the transcriber in question was John French, who was Capt. Beefheart's drummer for much of his career. From what I remember, French is now somewhat bitter at DVV for not properly crediting him and the Magic Band for their contributions to the songs they produced. French is himself a genius

Yeah, I remember that album. I wish it was better, 'cos the idea was pretty groovy.

Nard Dog?

I took Oscar's comment to mean he'd seen the senator guy at a gay bar somewhere, Rawls-style.

I don't see what McNutt apparently sees, that Oscar is attracted to the State Senator. I just thought he was amused that his nemesis is dating a closeted homosexual.

@Anonymousetrap - What was bittersweet about the ending of the UK Office Christmas special? Didn't everybody bar the assholes Neil and Finchy get happy endings?

Yeah, that was LD as Newman originally.

You are correct, The Newman. It's surprising how unenlightening and unfunny the Seinfeld/David commentaries are. And disappointing.

I'll go ahead and agree with the unease this interview makes me feel. I'm a big fan of the show, loved 'Across the Sea', and am willing to enjoy what ride is left for this show. But a big part of my attraction to the show is that it's a puzzle. The satisfaction in any puzzle lies in how the strange disconnected

Yes, Super-Extra. I'm pretty sure the ghost-boy running through the jungle is young Jacob.

The show long ago explained the cave of light in vaguely science (-fictiony) terms when Dr. Chang made the Orchid Station Orientation video. What did he call it? — "Negatively charged exotic matter that creates a kind of Casimir effect"? It's apparently just plausible enough to explain the warping of space-time such

Erin was marked as a weirdo from the moment she produced her birth certificate at the spur of the moment last season. Weirdo.

He sure is. (Also from Alabama.)

My memory might be faulty, but aren't you describing 'Super Size Me'? If I remember it, Spurlock included an indictment of US ag policy as it impacts American health. If Oliver included anything like that in this show, I imagine he'd have no chance in hell of getting it on the air.

1963. The fact that there are so many posters older than me makes me want to change my handle.

That ship wasn't the Black Rock.

@Oxperiment - Criterion did release Yojimbo and Sanjoro as a single (very nice) DVD set a year or so ago. I'm a little sorry I bought it though, because it would be fantastic to own them on Blu Ray. I did buy the Criterion Blu Ray "Seventh Seal" and I thought the picture quality was a noticeable step up from any DVD