Old Doak

Speaking as someone who was 18 years old the year this show takes place, my answer is: not really.  My memory is that the predominant style of that time was 'preppy', and none of the characters on the show reflect that.  I do remember lots of girls at the time with those 'mom' jeans, though.  In particular, I thought

Nucky's two-week old son is buried in the church graveyard, which we saw in Season 1.  Gillian undoubtedly knows this.

Nucky's two-week old son is buried in the church graveyard, which we saw in Season 1.  Gillian undoubtedly knows this.

That idea is interesting especially when you factor in the only Councilman who didn't speak in this episode, the notorious Councilman "Sexy" Dexheart.  Do you think he was masturbating under the council chamber table while Leslie horse-traded for Jamm's vote?

That idea is interesting especially when you factor in the only Councilman who didn't speak in this episode, the notorious Councilman "Sexy" Dexheart.  Do you think he was masturbating under the council chamber table while Leslie horse-traded for Jamm's vote?

He asked for the difference between 3/4 and 6/8, not 3/4 and 6/4.  And there is an actual discernible difference in feel between 3/4 and 6/8.  A 3/4 song is in waltz time, so it's going to have that somewhat formal, courtly rhythmic feel; in pop music, the Eagles' (I know) "Take It To the Limit" fits that feel.  A 6/8

He asked for the difference between 3/4 and 6/8, not 3/4 and 6/4.  And there is an actual discernible difference in feel between 3/4 and 6/8.  A 3/4 song is in waltz time, so it's going to have that somewhat formal, courtly rhythmic feel; in pop music, the Eagles' (I know) "Take It To the Limit" fits that feel.  A 6/8



I'm a little surprised to not see much comment here about Angela.  Her murder last week was shocking, for sure, but this episode was incredibly moving in reminding us of her presence.  Her kind, quiet voice, barely above a whisper.  Her dark loving eyes.  It really reinforced the unfairness of the circumstances of her

He also dropped "Doyle".  Seems he's had it with the AC micks.

Sebso killed the only witness to Jimmy and Capone's series premiere murder spree.  Van Alden had spent a lot of time pressing Sebso on the details of the witness killing; in the end, it seems, he only had his gut instinct to guide him, but that was enough.


That's pretty much it.  The cut scene involved Andy's girlfriend coming by the office to pick him up from work at the end of the day.  It was Greg Daniels doing the commenting, and he sounded pretty jazzed about having Amelie take the role.  Given the show's penchant for having its writers take on-screen roles (not

Well, as the guy who bought the Office Season 7 DVD set, and as the guy who listened to the episode commentaries, I can say with authority that the woman who was supposed to play Andy's girlfriend last year was none other than the AV Club's Amelie Gillette.  They had to cut her scenes out of that particular episode

I guess I'll be the one guy who admits to thinking Brandanowicz was extremely funny when he actually had a joke to tell. "Now you've got herpes" is one of the show's funniest lines to me.

@Whovian — I don't buy your take on the inter-office relationships. I think at the beginning of the show's run, the characters interacted as the UK Office's Tim Canterbury described it — they shared the same bit of carpet for 8 hours a day. I think one of the nice thing about US Office is that over the years,

I really liked Chris shoveling the massive handful of vitamins into his mouth. It was litrally very funny.

Thanks buddy.

Carl Lewis?