Old Doak

Sing "Happy Jack", Roger!

Didn't he imply that there's one and only one Jew working at Pawnee City Hall? I thought that was pretty funny.

Am I the only one who thought that the Dwight/Michael conversation at the dump was kind of significant? Dwight's been in hero-worship mode with Michael since the beginning of the series, and now it's been made explicit the contempt in which he holds Michael. His attitude's been gradually changing since at least the

The Box Tops are worth checking out for more than The Letter. Although in the studio they were mostly just Alex and some session musicians, they were a prime outlet for the great songwriting team of Dan Penn and Spooner Oldham. Lots of great pop-soul in the Box Tops catalogue.

I was a big fan of Alex during his early '80s "comeback". Some great records and he toured a lot (at least in the South), so it was easy to see him and he was as approachable as a legend could be. High Priest is pretty strong. Is the "No Sex" EP available anywhere? "Feudalist Tarts"?

If that kid and his bear haven't been time-travelling, than they are both about 3 years older. But, yeah, jungle bear should be pretty rank by this point.

@St. God - I agree that one reason Sawyer took a break for a couple episodes was to lose some of the weight he'd put on off-season. Not saying the guy was fat, but he did seem a bit chunky in his shit-stained drawers.

Where does Randy, the box company douche, fit in?

Now we'll finally get the answer to who was driving the bus that ran over Juliet's ex-husband!!! The pieces are finally coming together….

Regarding the Richard scraggly-ness and long hair: It seems to me that Richard cleans himself up when he leaves the island to work on his Mittelos stuff, which he apparently was doing in the '70s. Is it not possible that at the point little Ben ran into him in the jungle, circa 1970 or so, that Richard hadn't needed

I thought the Claire freak-out was too precipitous. Just came out of nowhere. I was expecting her to get a little more info on Aaron's current whereabouts before sticking the knife in. But it was maybe worth it for Zombie Sayid's total non-reaction.

It's weird that Miles X's name is still Straume. I always thought that he or his mother changed their name after they escaped the island.

Hang in there, Frank. We're all rooting for you.

That theory's been floated before. I don't get the feeling that Darlton want to go that extreme with their sci-fi mind-fuckery. But who knows.

According to Hawking, the only way to get them back on the island is to recreate the 815 crash. Maybe the only way to get the corpse of John Locke back to the island, and to complete the loophole, was to gather as many 815ers in one place as possible.

It should be pointed out that Michael also was spared from getting shot by Keamy. Keamy's gun 'stopped working' when he tried to use it on Kevin Johnson. So I think Michael's protection is not quite the same as what Richard was discussing.

I agree with Noel on this. I'm convinced that, in addition to warping time, the island's properties allow for the warping of space. Why would the show make such a big deal about people having to get completely doped up to make the submarine journey?

I'm not sure Ilana knows who all the candidates are. Remember last season she told Bram that Lapidus might himself be a candidate.

Kayaks and Guns
So knowing now that Locke's army is heading to the Hydra island, presumably with the outriggers left near New Otherton, what is the current bet on who Juliet shot during their time skips last season? Is it possible Sawyer will be shot by the love of his life, three years after he paddled that canoe?

The 'Some Like It Hoth' stuff had Miles being asked to communicate with the dead son in the backyard of his house, while his ashes were scattered on his high school football field. I think his line was, 'It's easier if there's a body'. I think the big problem powers-wise is that his physical remains were nowhere