
Patrick, at that particular moment, wasn't going to turn Kevin away. He's supposedly got what he wanted: Kevin choosing him.

I personally think that Jon ended the relationship and threw Kevin out of their apartment. Hense, Kevin calling Patrick when he was in Modesto.

This episode was a great way to get more of a glimpse into why Doris is the fabulous friend of Dom's for so long and why she's so afraid of getting more involved with Malik.

Synopsis for the remaining episodes of the season. Beware of spoilers.

Now, you're coming across like the viewers who state, that the show is "boring", yet will continue to watch.

"..As for where this season is going - in literal sense, this season was examination of the idea that person who seems to be perfect partner on paper is not necessary perfect for you in reality."

Kevin created the situation, that has caused his suffering.
Just like Patrick created the situation, that caused him to have his drunken meltdown at his party.

A world, in which Kevin's initial response to Patrick saying that he saw him and Jon at the open market, that he should had come up to them both and say "Hi!"

From EW

Yet, Brady was able to hold his own with Patrick. It made Richie smile, knowing that Brady didn't kowtow to Patrick.

That show isn't "punishing" Richie and we've only been introduced to Brady as his new boyfriend for three episodes. Have patience. Folks said similar stuff about Jon in the first season.

That was totally on purpose. Patrick didn't invite Jon and Kevin, he stupidly sent the invite to Kevin. Which he used, to tell Patrick of the potential move back to Seattle with Jon.

It's definitely the second time. None of this "poor Kevin" BS for me.

I don't think that Patrick should lose his job, because if that happens, I hope the same thing happens to Kevin.

That tirade was needed, amazing and gringe-worthy, all at the same time. Doris, Dominic and Agustin tried to have Patrick's back towards Kevin in tonight's episode.

It's the die hard shipping belief, that if you wish hard enough, that the writers will do want the shipping audience wants to see.

This is the second time that Kevin has denied both Kevin and Jon the truth about what he and whom he supposedly wants and folks are still "poor Kevin"?

I read that piece the other day. It's ridiculous.

Do folks want to see Patrick breaking Richie's heart again?

I have the same feelings about Kevin. There is this disconnect with him, regarding being open and honest about his feelings. From the little we have seen of Jon, it sounds (not from Kevin's POV) like he's been trying to get Kevin to open himself up to his lover and he keeps some walls up.