
There are almost 500 hundred posts, regarding this season's finale.
I think we can definitely hit 600 by this Tuesday.

Loved this whole commentary.

Patrick never ever questioned how Kevin could cheat on Jon with him.
Or how easily Kevin could just want Patrick to move in with him, only less than two months after he ended his relationship with Jon.

Then Patrick will have to find it, with another guy, who isn't Kevin.

I don't hate Kevin. I just don't like him and this fight was bound to happen.

"The unforgiveable thing isn't that he thinks he might want to sleep around - it's that that's something that he knew but purposefully hid from Patrick and tried to slowly sneak into their life without confrontation or openness. No?"

"Kevin can attempt to stay monogamous for Patrick but you can't change your core values for another person."

"When Dom says, “We do kinda need to break up, Dor,” he doesn’t mean they need to stop seeing each other. He means they need to stop being married."

It's just not about just Agustin and him being able or not able to pay his share of the rent.

I would love to see some resolution/fall out between Jon and Kevin, because their relationship (or the failure of their relationship), is what caused Kevin to reach out and look for something new in Patrick.

But, the writers don't want to put Kevin in the same position as Agustin, because they would lose fans.

It's entirely based on that premise. These outside obstacles, situations and people voicing their negative opinions on the couple.

Where do you think everything is going for the conclusion of this season?

Certainly taints the image of "Saint Richie", that some viewers accuse that character of being written by the writers for the show.

"Speaking of which, I've been trying to grasp why I still root for the two of them, and also just my interest in most of the couples on this show. Usually I'm not intrigued by romance within stories, but I think seeing gay relationships has been what's missing from my viewings. It's nice to be represented."

If Kevin is in for the third season and if things go sour, between him and Patrick, I wonder if those two could be friends?

"Make no mistake: If the producers wanted to hit the high notes with a “Looking For The Future” sequel, they could have.
This one starts with that memorable set-up and builds to a point where Patrick blurts out, “I love you” and gets an “I love you, too.” But Patrick’s excitement about Richie throwing a condom at his

Well, Jon was basically his twin, who was also 3 inches taller and has a massive upper torso.

"I have no doubt the Kevin-Jon thing likely isn't finished and the season finale will involve some sort of Patrick-Kevin relationship calamity because of it."

I'm thinking that we'll get more insight to their breakup in the remaining 3 episodes. It couldn't have been that easy, when Kevin has been lying to Jon for months now about everything, including Patrick.