
I loved those kids, because I remember how excited me and my friends would be, when we would hear the music from the ice cream truck. Kids would run for blocks to our local park from late spring to early fall, after begging our parents for a dollar for the treats.

Kevin had him believing that he would chose him over Jon. Of course, Patrick would be self-righteous, because he let himself be lied to by Kevin.

The only needed drama, was seeing Patrick knowing that he had to be honest, if he was ever going to truly have a shot at having Richie in his life again (if only as his friend) and if Richie would let that happen. Patrick knew that it would be up to Richie and he could have kept it to himself, but he realized that

"I remember last season when Richie said things like "I would never let my people disrespect you like that," and dying to see Riche's people."

Which was another real moment to show: Everyone was so shocked by how Richie "cleaned up", in order to be Patrick's plus one. Seeing the dude, that had your cousin coming to you, for cash so that he could be his best for your family and to have him end up heartbroken at the end of it all.

Raul is wonderful. You could see the disapointment in Richie's reaction to what Patrick said. He didn't want to know, but he needed to hear it as well. I really love how well he and Jonathan work together onscreen.

Loved tonight's episode and it did take me awhile to notice that Dom wasn't in it, but that was okay. We got to see Kevin flailing over Patrick and failing again to be honest with Jon. He probably will finally tell the truth to Jon, once he realizes that he cannot go back to Seattle with him. I just wonder, if Kevin