Shouldn't he have some sort of generic foreign accent like Shae or one of the other "across the sea" sorts?
Shouldn't he have some sort of generic foreign accent like Shae or one of the other "across the sea" sorts?
I agree. My husband is oh-so-sure but I think that's an extra-textual reading.
I imagined the Queen of Thrones as Drahomira Flalkova, who played Reverend Mother Ramallo in the 2000 Dune Mini Series (the scary Fremen Reverand Mother).
He's also not pretty enough - he's supposed to be as pretty as Cersei, and then all muddied up and scrawny and diminished by captivity.
Is Mountain ever "on camera" in the books? I don't recall at all - maybe briefly, at the Tourny of the Hand in GoT. I always figured the descriptions of him were exaggerated the way they can be with some bad-ass scary guy who is half-legend. Big, but not actually mythically so except in the re-telling.
I know, it's Badinov as it is.
It's "Peterborough"? I thought he said "Teterboro" and I thought, "wow, the commute from New Jersey must be terrible!"
I cringed and hid my face. Other people having sex is gross and that wig is very uncanny valley.
But, wasn't the bad ass zombie killer a Direwolf? Doesn't that make it better?
Don't let the hang out with Romney's binders - we don't want any unexpected little address books running around.
No, he's writing The Winds of Winter and will not be allowed to write anything else until its published.
I don't care what it says about me. I laughed really effing hard at the tattoo that says "arm" on his arm.
I beg to differ - Rayna, Deacon, Teddy, Peggy, and Peggy's husband make a love pentagon. Or a love Olympic Ring symbol.
There are people on the Internet who don't know JoCo?
Poor James Van Der Beek. He clearly just wants a steady gig.
Because those two pronunciations are actually identical. An unaspirated [p] (right after an s) is hard to differentiate from a [b] following an unvoiced [s] - the [b] gets devoiced which is basically an unaspirated [p]
Part of why I like this show is that it makes me think about what kind of parent I want to be - like, how do you go about developing a relationship with your child such that when shit gets heavy they come to you? How do you teach your children to communicate their feelings and keep them from controlling them and…
Well, I don't know the thought process a pre teen boy goes through when he realizes it's boys he's developing a "new and exciting" interest in. But I'm not surprised that the Bravermans would exhibit some heteronormative assumption. So would most families that don't seem to contain any homosexual members.
Do you shoot blanks?