Because his show is probably relatively cheap to produce compared to, say, Game of Thrones.
Because his show is probably relatively cheap to produce compared to, say, Game of Thrones.
Same actor for the voice, too.
I suspect that may be in part to the character's origin as a more blatant Batman rip-off. Green Arrow had an Arrow car, an Arrow cave, a large mansion for his millionaire playboy image, and a sidekick with a name that had absolutely no relation to his own hero name.
Key and/or Peele.
They were Groot.
Man, you put it that way, I start to think CNN took down that Malaysian plane since Candy Crowley thought it was carrying Ebola.
The card will also be bugged.
Um, sorry?
Oh sure, make the black man the personification of death!
Wasn't the Aqua-embargo also why Wonder Woman was in this episode? I thought the plan was to use Aquaman, so he could square off with Manta and it made more sense for him to be at an environmental summit.
That's some quality hatin' right there, tying Kirk to the prequels…which are all rated higher on IMDB.
I call myself a lot of things. My wife calls me even more. Some of them are even flattering.
Ah, joke's on you! I have been watching SHIELD! It's improved greatly, but still not grabbing me all that much.
I'm starting to think Grodd may be controlling Wells, hence how he sometimes seems good and sometimes not. They're using the ape for something, but it may be a bit of a jump to have Grodd actually talk when he can just mind whammy an otherwise decent guy.
And its already a better superhero series than Agents of SHIELD.
Well, the name "Christian Grey" was taken for a very…different kind of project.
A place with a lot of bored senior citizens.
And especially Bart.
You can try asking Sam Beckett.
With a further punchline of the Vision congratulating Rick, telling him how proud he must be of his fiancee's talents.