Pretentious Guy

Tyrion's idea to send people to the Wall was interesting, but the thought I had: if the White Walkers are defeated once sand for all, and the Wildlings are already south of the Wall, do you even need a Night's Watch?

You guys are working on the assumption Trump understands checks and balances and separation of powers. If he thinks he's the supreme head of everything, then yes, Congress bucking him in his mind is unconstitutional.

McCain, I suspect, made the vote a number of his colleagues would have made (looking at you, Lindsey Graham, who expressed distaste for the bill then voted for it anyway), if they didn't want to upset party loyalty with a petty man in the White House more than willing to throw any and all opposition under the bus

To be fair, it might have been the only positive letter they had.

I work with young soldiers. I started in '07, and back then most of these young men and women in uniform were adamantly against gays serving openly. When Obama changed the policy a few years later, working with a different group of young soldiers, the attitude was one of general pride. Yes, there were some who felt

Didn't Murkowski essentially run as an independent when she lost a primary challenge to a Tea Party type only to win the general? It could make her look like less of a Republican as a result in the eyes of some.

It reminded me of Reagan's myth of the welfare queen, that fictional person who just scams the government out of the hard-earned tax dollars of God-fearing Americans, so we'd best cut welfare to stop them! Were people really joining the military looking for free reassignment surgery? Somehow, I doubt it.

Because they are a fairly small group that confuse some voters.

Oh please. Trump would never fuck someone old enough to be his sister.

He could lose plenty of supporters if he drove into a pro-Trump group by mistake, though the lose might be limited to how many of his own fans he hit. That's simple math.

That smell isn't his breath…

Well, I stubbed my toe ten minutes ago. Hurts bad. Can't speak for anyone else.

I work for the DoD, and this will be the third president during my time there. There's a wall of photos showing the chain of command for where I am, and George W had a smile in his official photo. Not bad, all things being equal. Nothing wrong with it. Obama had a serious look, but he photographed well, so no

Then stop leaving it out in the rain. I know I'll never have that recipe again.

Yeah, Cagney pulled a reverse Jackman here!

Wait til those two co-host "head-up-the-ass theater".

Take Ultron with him, they can do Annihilation Conquest.

There was that one issue of X-Factor where he explained for him, life was like waiting in a very slow line at the post office all the time and that's why he's a jerk. Does that count?

How about Rhodie? Cheadle's in the movie but few of the ads.