Well, the above-mentioned Mister Hyde, I believe, does change. He's a good guess. Then again, he also isn't an alien.
Well, the above-mentioned Mister Hyde, I believe, does change. He's a good guess. Then again, he also isn't an alien.
I think Fox has the rights to the Skrulls.
To be fair, adding just about anything to that war makes it much more Shakespearean.
Yeah, the Joker's been doing it for decades, and he's as white as they come.
I have stated on many occasions that the only way for Civil War to work is for all the characters to be at least mildly retarded, including Cap and Hill.
It makes sense if you realize over their respective runs, Tony has always been in good with the government (as any weapons contractor would be), while Cap has broken with it, usually in response to Civil Liberties issues, or when he went all Nomad after Watergate.
Having Cap be wrong is a fine idea, and quite frankly, not even a terrible one. He has broken with the government in the past, but the real problem is Cap didn't use his always being morally correct power the right way. Captain America can get any public platform he wants, explain why something is a bad idea, and…
"Gotham—it hasn't been canceled yet so someone must like it."
Yes. Like the Sandman, he was not so much resurrected as "never went away" and was doing his own thing, because the Revolutionary War was a massive throw down between demonic forces in one small town.
Oh, like you've never dropped an ancient musical instrument of pure evil in a swamp before…
The Game of Thrones crossover episodes cannot come fast enough. Tyrion and Ichabod can compare notes while Ned Stark returns as another headless horseman.
My lone regret was Demon Irving (Derving?) did not shout, "Make 7Up yours!" with every kill.
Timothy Olyphant?
Why shouldn't the audience care about Lance? That was pretty much the narrative strategy for the original cast, and look how well that turned out! Who doesn't love those loveable scamps Skye and Ward?
OK, that makes sense. To clarify for myself, not that anyone asked, I don't actually hate Mara. I was generally aware of her unfavorable rep among fans by reading comments here, but I haven't found her to be that bad yet, and furthermore, she hasn't even gotten a lot of screen time. Besides, if anyone on this show…
Actually, (and SPOILERS) I would argue the whole Breaking Bad finale is one long self-realization. My take is Walt essentially created the alter ego of Heisenberg. Heisenberg was big, loud, mysterious, crap your pants scary, etc. Walter White is quiet, easily ignored, about as threatening as a girl scout troop,…
I don't know about that first viewing comment. I've been keeping pace with the reviews and have only seen as far as "Chasing Ghosts," after finding myself struggling to keep track of what happened when during "The Sopranos" reviews. I have spoiled myself on various endings (heck, I knew Vic's ultimate fate before…
Amazon Prime also seems to carry this show.
You may be thinking too hard. Tony Stark downloaded all of SHIELD's secrets in the Avengers movie and somehow missed the whole Hydra thing.
Because Simmons-the-not-hallucination was the closest thing the series had to an interesting character, so making her a hallucination means we don't have to worry quite so much over a pesky thing like character development.