True libertarian belief says you don't have to go, so as far as that goes, the system works.
True libertarian belief says you don't have to go, so as far as that goes, the system works.
That would require closely watching Atlas Shrugged for multiple viewings.
I read it and then gave it away as an act of socialism to a friend who was curious after hearing me do nothing but complain about how awful it was. I told her to do the same when she was finished in order to deny the estate royalties.
Hey, everybody has to start somewhere.
God, I hope not. I hate when shit I make up comes true.
Ultimate Strange mostly appeared in Bendis' Ultimate Spider-Man, which I rather liked, so it turned out better in execution than it sounds.
It was either Jada or one of her kids. I think they made the right call. No one really wanted to see Jaden Smith as Shrimp McGillicutty
But, oddly enough, he does have grandkids…
Marty did shine with the regular stuff, which is probably why he figured out the green-eared monster thing while Rust was off in the weeds looking for a massive conspiracy.
Up next: the heroic people of China repel the horrible invasion that is another Michael Bay movie about indistinguishable robots beating on each other.
Anyone else think Rust Cohle got some department-mandatory therapy from Hannibal Lecter after seeing both those faces on the AV Club homepage?
Ultimate Strange was an odd thing. His father had classic Strange's basic backstory, and then he literally inherited the role upon his dad's death. Then he was killed off unceremoniously during the Ultimate Massacre thing that also included the drowning death of Ultimate Daredevil and about a quarter of the X-Men.
Well, to be fair, Spider-Man is supposed to be a little shorter than most male heroes that aren't Wolverine, Puck, or the Human Torso.
Well, maybe you would have wanted them dead too if they weren't mostly in subtitles.
I can agree with that, but having an undead, or sorta alive, or whatever Catlyn is running around could make for an interesting turn depending on where Jon's story goes (assuming he isn't dead). Jon was, for obvious reasons, the one chink in her motherly armor. I don't think there's a happy ending for Stoneheart,…
Yeah, I can actually. I want her to take out Littlefinger, "Tales From The Crypt" style.
Mera thinks of him as her sun-and-starfish.
They'd never cast a legitimately purple actor for that role.
Wait til you see Daniel Day-Lewis' tortured take on Plastic Man!
I thought Namor was acting a bit drunk, truth be told. He's not in the same league, brain wise, with the rest of the group, but he was hitting that Atlantean wine a bit hard last time we saw him.