Pretentious Guy

Aristotle usually comes up if I am teaching Oedipus (obviously), Othello, or Death of a Salesman since his analysis of what makes a tragedy good is worth discussing in class, and you really shouldn't bring up Willy Loman without discussing Aristotle's definition.

Say, since the cast keeps changing, does this mean all the characters are Time Lords?

Some people may, but it may also depend on how much each individual is actually giving them this ton of money.  A single donation with multiple zeroes could account for only a relative handful of (rather wealthy) people and mean there may not be many people who really enjoy these movies enough to give money for it to

Ah, OK.  I get it now.  Maybe it was just me, but when I did read The Republic it seemed as if once Socrates started asking his questions, even to the one fellow who actively disagrees with him to start, whoever he is talking to does nothing but agree with his premises and ideas.  The ideas themselves are fascinating

Right,  I more appreciate humanistic as opposed to Socratic dialogue.  Admittedly, philosophy is not my area of expertise, but when one of the two people in a conversation basically is just agreeing with whatever proposal the other half is giving, there isn't much of a meeting of the minds here as opposed to Moore's

I read Atlas Shrugged after South Park mocked it as the book that made formerly illiterate Officer Barbrady give up reading.  I am also one of those people who feels I need to finish any book I start.  Oh, and I'm an English teacher for a college prep school, so I figure I should know a little something about as many

OK, but Rand does seem to believe that certain individuals are just really talented and smart and create brilliant products like Reardon Steel.  These people love what they do and create, right?  They don't have to be captains of industry.  Nothing in there says they have to make a profit.  But they have to be really

Are they the same person?

Certain people feel that, when they are mocked, it is because their opposition must just HATE them, in a way that drives them to absolute lunacy, for that is the only explanation for why people would dare criticize their personal sacred cow.  See, for example, supporters of Sarah Palin talking about liberals circa

Define "actor".

Not with a fox or in a box.

Close.  It was actually his kid brother Arnie.

Their founder told them they'd be scorned and opposed for their beliefs but they should persevere all the same?  How like Jesus that is…

That's easy to do when only about five people have seen the movie and felt like commenting on it.

Hey, Walt knew Hank was on to him after he couldn't find a book he left lying around.  Making the occasional leap is something he (and Jesse with the cigarette) both do.

Hey, not only did the neo-Nazis steel his product, they didn't even fulfill their end of the contract by killing Jesse!

Well, Eliot and Gretchen did offer to help once, so maybe he rounds them up as the rest of his Chem Geek Posey so he isn't too badly outgunned.  That Gretchen looks like she could handle a few meth dealers.

Well, Eliot and Gretchen did offer to help once, so maybe he rounds them up as the rest of his Chem Geek Posey so he isn't too badly outgunned.  That Gretchen looks like she could handle a few meth dealers.

I always pegged Saul for the only really unkillable cockroach on the show.  And unless he gets called in from Nebraska, this is exactly the case.

I don't think he'll kill anyone in his family…intentionally.  Accidents happen to Walt.  His best plans tend to be improvised luck for the most part anyway.