Pretentious Guy

I've always thought Walt's greatest weakness was his pride.  He really can't stand to be ignored or pushed aside or put into a position of inferiority, which is where he is in the pilot.  He gets no respect at either of his jobs, and he has to work two to begin with, plus while Skyler is not a horrible wife, she does

Just you wait.  Homeland and Ray Donovan are going to randomly switch characters, splice in footage from An American Carol for some of Jon Voight's scenes opposite Mandy Potankin, and then end both shows with all the characters becoming Hari Krishnas.

But we can grant you the use of Dominic Monaghan as some other Howard.

Shake harder, girl!

Meanwhile, Gus Fring and Tywin Lanester actually get along quite well.

Well, maybe next week we'll learn Skyler was actually his sister…

Well, it really was a Grey Wind situation.

That's a rare second world problem.

Doctrine THIS:  Fast Times With James Monroe

Exactly.  Batman has a personal rule of a one-Jennifer limit.

I might also play Woodrow Wilson in the new Mortal Kombat:  Dead Prezidentz Edition.

See, you are misreading the show.  The series is set in purgatory.  The people Dexter murders have been judged badly and are sent to Hell, due to their not learning from their past mistakes.  By doing his divinely-sanctioned duties for enough years, he and his get to move on to Heaven.  Before dying, Quinn was a male

Does Scott Buck remember?

There are worse people.  Many run Middle Eastern countries.  Scott Buck is merely a substandard crafter of fiction.

The Geneva Convention explicitly outlaws that!

Next week:  Dexter takes off his face, reveals he is really Invaderr Zim standing on top of GIR.

Walt can still be the protagonist.  Nowhere does it say the protagonist has to be a good, upstanding, moral, or even likeable figure.  But your point stands, Your O'Highness.

Well, please see the part when I said I didn't really follow baseball at all…I'm lucky I got that much right.

It's true that both this and Breaking Bad are written by professional TV writers.  But so is Game of Thrones, Two and a Half Men, Low Winter Sun, Justified, all those Disney channel sitcoms for kids, Spongebob Squarepants, and The Killing.  Not all TV writers are created equal.  It's like comparing two pro baseball

Well, lying runs in the family.