And you know what else? Broadway.
And you know what else? Broadway.
The last chapter of Watership Down totally destroys me.
Cesspool! Cesspool! Cesspool!
You can actually find recipes calling for garbage in cookbooks made for medieval nobility (in medieval French the meaning is more akin to "giblets"). When I learned that I thought of Zoidberg.
It's Matt Groening's too — he says so in the DVD commentary.
You have to pronounce "money" the same way he does, too. I was going to transcribe it but I don't think mere letters can quite convey what he does with is.
I get a lot of mileage out of that line, usually as a self-description.
You can make sangria in the terlet!
The A.V. Club
Got beat up at a Neil Diamond concert by a guy named Scrunchie
In extreme gerbiling, HEDGEHOG buggers YOU!
That just made me picture Sideshow Bob. "No, this is lying: 'That was a well-plotted piece of non-claptrap that never made me want to retch!'"
There were plenty of newer materials available, but he had to go for that retro charm!
The A.V. Club
Those haven't descended in years!
And, relatedly: "It takes two to lie, Marge: one to lie, and one to listen!"
The way Fry squees before saying this line is an amazing piece of voice acting.
That exchange is so sweet in a very real way — it's the kind of thing you can really only say to someone you're completely comfortable with.
The A.V. Club
I accuse Goody Badwife!
I don't actually want to watch Hannibal because I'm not sure I could really stomach that level of facial trauma on TV, and yet I start giggling every time I read your description of that scene. I'm not sure what that says about me, but I am sure it's nothing good.
And that girls should stick to girls' sports, like oil wrestling and foxy boxing!